MOOCs stands for massive open online course (Greene et al., 2015, p. 926). These online courses are freely available to the public and provide content for continuing education (Hartung, 2017, p. 199).
If you are interested in learning more about Information Literacy and Metaliteracy, check out the MOOCs linked below:
MOOC: Information Literacy Online – Developing Multilingual Open Educational Resources Reflecting Multicultural Aspects (ILO)
About the Course:
“In this course you will learn specific aspects of information literacy on a generic level. Additionally, you will find special lessons for the subjects of psychology and business administration. The course is structured into six modules.”
For more information follow this link:
MOOC: Metaliteracy: Empowering Yourself in a Connected World
“This course prepares you to effectively participate in a connected world. Metaliteracy advances reflective and empowered learning in collaborative communities. You will learn how to creatively and ethically produce and share information. As a metaliterate learner, you will see yourself as an informed content creator and a responsible contributor to information environments.”
For more information follow this link:
MOOC: Infolit for U – Using information analytically, creatively & wisely to learn
“The focal and the disciplinary modules of this MOOC are designed to help you become analytical, wise, and creative information user for effective learning at the university and tackle professional challenges after graduation.”
For more information follow this link:
MOOC: Information & Digital Literacy for University Success
“In this course, you will learn how to develop your Information & Digital Literacy Skills to help you achieve success in your university studies.”
For more information follow this link:
Greene, J. A., Oswald, C. A. & Pomerantz, J. (2015). Predictors of Retention and Achievement in a Massive Open Online Course. American Educational Research Journal, 52, 925–955.
Hartung, S. (2017). Lernförderliches Feedback in der Online-Lehre gestalten. In H. R. Griesehop & E. Bauer (Hrsg.) Lehren und Lernen online. Lehr- und Lernerfahrungen im Kontext akademischer Online-Lehre (S. 199-218). Springer VS.